Sgt. Bell, R.A.F. Demon (Chesler;1941)

    Man, it was really hard to tear myself away from Pandora tonight in order to get this final story from Chesler's Dynamic Comics #1 (Oct 1941) posted.

    I was chilling out listening to the likes of Sinatra, Martin, Bennett, Darin, Presley, Cole and well you get the picture. Classic tunes, classic entertainers....ah, bliss!

    The short and sweet version: This is the origin of Sgt. Bell, R.A.F. Demon, who is a fighter pilot, how he manages to be an enlisted man and rate that lofty duty is beyond me? The back cover reproduces the covers of all four of Dynamic Publications, Inc.'s titles that started anywhere from a month before this issue to two month afterwards.

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