Points of Departure (* extra credit if you get the reference)

    Friends, please pardon my "french" during this ranting editorial post!

    I should already be hip to the conceit behind this concept, but proving that once you perform your blog posting duties for the day, you should really log off and not seek out interesting comic book news.

    I just read that J. Michael Straczynski is leaving his monthly writing gig on both Superman and Wonder Woman to work on a sequel to the recently released, Superman: Earth One graphic novel. Straczynski (and DC Comics) just made a very big deal out of these relaunches during the summer of 2010 (June/?), so WTF? J. Michael further states that he will also be taking a "one to five year" sabbatical from writing any additional monthlies. They do say that miracles come in small packages. I for one, hope to god that the industry moves on and leaves this well-heeled & perpetually waffling bozo behind during his timely absence. I may celebrate the holidays early!

    I've said it before and I'm going to say it again, I loved, loved, LOVED Straczynski's Babylon 5 television series, and still believe that it was one of the best sci-fi series of all time, but he has been an absolute clusterfuck of a comic book writer over the last decade. Straczynski may not be completely to blame for much of the mature subject matter of his mainstream comics work, certainly editors had a hand in many of the storylines that he scripted. Still, no matter where fans fall on that debatable subject, Straczynski walked away without completing "The Twelve" mini-series for Marvel in 2008 and somebody who gets paid too much money at DC foolishly hired him. Chris Weston was left in a situation of real hardship following Straczynski's exit from The Twelve, and had to accept non-comics assignments in order to make ends meet. I doubt that many fans realize this, because Weston took some heat over "The Twelve" too. Subsequent DC series featuring Straczynski were announced, solicited, then changed, cancelled or delayed, and then he was still rewarded with the high profile Superman/Wonder Woman writing assignments. Can you spell prima donna?

    The big wigs at DC deserve every ounce of egg on their faces over this crummy situation and before they start crowing too loudly about Superman: Earth One, look here dumbasses, we get it; you want to increasingly appear to be book publishers while you're kissing the corporate asses of Hollywood, rather than the comic book publishers you've actually been for seven decades. GRAPHIC NOVEL sounds more highbrow & elitist than "comic book" does, at least to pinheads like you, but at some point your mothers really should have taught you geeks that when you play with fire - you often get burned.

    [As a courtesy, to the balding contingent that runs DC, I would also add that while you are busy lathering some executive-sized rump with your tongues, it will still probably taste like sh*t!]
    Source URL: https://galgadots.blogspot.com/2010/11/points-of-departure-extra-credit-if-you.html
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