Samar in "The Amazons of Nesbo" (Quality;1940)

    Ah, the last day of November! I do know that I've simply got to get some sexy jungle girls back into the Catacombs, but I'm still gonna push that off for one more week in order to squeeze in another Samar adventure. I inadvertently loaded this short tale along with the previous two stories and didn't take the time to fetch any more out of the filing room.

    "The Amazons of Nesbo" is taken from Feature Comics #37 (Oct.1940); originally published by Quality and illustrated by Maurice Gutwirth. In this battle of the sexes adventure, Samar first meets Queen Sopho, the old crone Ishta, the luscious & horny Leba and the other mighty Amazons of Nesbo, plus Gaol (Leba's wussy husband) and the rebellious he-men of Nesbo; and a horde of giant Nubians who conveniently serve as the villains of this golden age classic.

    The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.


    (Psst!: There's only one more day left to let me know if you want a free copy of The Sea Ghost #1.)
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In Memorium: Leslie Nielsen & Irvin Kershner

    Two science fiction icons died over the holiday weekend and the career work of both men greatly surpassed their attachments to the classic films that they were an indispensable part of.

    Actor Leslie Nielsen (above;left), appeared in over one hundred films and 1,500 television programs over the span of his career, but experienced a major career resurgence in comedic roles following his turn as Dr. Rumack in the 1980 spoof, Airplane! Canadian-born, Nielsen was also immortalized by his iconic role in the 1956 science-fiction classic, Forbidden Planet. Some of Nielsen's other film credits include Tammy and the Bachelor, How to Commit Marriage, The Poseidon Adventure, Day of the Animals, Viva Knievel, Creepshow, The Naked Gun films, Dracula: Dead and Loving it and the Scary Movie films. He passed away on November 28, 2010 at the age of 84 of complications from pneumonia.

    Director Irvin Kershner (above;right) got his start in television on series like The Rebel, Peyton Place and Philip Marlowe and then went on to direct films such as The Flim-Flam Man, Raid on Entebbe, Eyes of Laura Mars, Never Say Never Again and RoboCop 2. However, Kershner is best known for directing Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980), the immediate sequel of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope; a job he initially declined. The film is widely & critically considered the best of the six theatrical Star Wars films. He passed away on November 27, 2010 at the age of 87, after a long battle with cancer.

    The Catacombs extends its sincerest condolences to the families, friends and fans of these two fine gentlemen.
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In Memorium: Don Donahue

    My brother called yesterday to mention that Don Donahue had passed away late in October. I have mentioned in some past posts that my brother David, has been amassing lots of underground comix from the 1960's & 1970's. Well, a huge chunk of his acquisitions over the last few years had come straight from Don Donahue. David had tried to talk Don into visiting Charlotte's annual Heroes Convention during their correspondence, but Don always declined.

    Don was not only a comic book publisher, he was one of the founders of the underground comix movement in the 1960s. In San Francisco in 1968, Donahue traded his hi-fi tape player to poet Charles Plymell for a Multilith printing press and issued the very first, 20-page black-and-white issue of Robert Crumb's Zap Comix #1. Donahue later founded Apex Novelties, which published numerous influential comics from the underground movement, including works by Kim Deitch, Shary Flenniken, Justin Green, Bill Griffiths, Spain Rodriguez, Gilbert Shelton and Art Spiegelman.

    He was also the partner of cartoonist Dori Seda, and inherited the rights to her work following her early death at the age of 37. Don published Dori Stories, a compilation of her comics in her honor.

    Don Donahue died of prostrate cancer on October 27, 2010. The Catacombs extends its belated condolences to his family and friends. [Photo (above;top) copyright Clay Geerdes, 1982]
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Science Fiction/Double Feature Presents: Winged Death on Venus (Ziff-Davis;1950)

    This penultimate thriller from Amazing Adventures #1 (1950) is written and illustrated by the late, great EC Comics master Wally Wood. "Winged Death on Venus" tells the story of Chet Fields, an aimless beachcomber on a cloudy planet who becomes snared in guiding a "scientific" expedition that isn't quite what it appears to be. This story was reprinted in Doc Weird's Thrill Book #2 (Pure Imagination 1987 series).

    Today's second feature is the humor filler, Cosmic Comics, from the same issue. One final golden age strip remains from this classic issue (next weekends very post) and then we dive right into the second issue of Ziff-Davis excellent sci-fi series, Amazing Adventures.

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Sea Ghost Raffle [Reminder]!!

    There are only a few days remaining for you to throw your name into the mix for a chance to win a copy of The Sea Ghost #1 from Nemo Publishing. December 1st, 2010 is the deadline (that's next week, folks). Thanks to everyone who has emailed me or posted a comment in response to this post.

    The winner will be announced on 12/2/2010. Good luck!
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"Gal" Friday! Jordan Carver

    Bavarian glamour & swimsuit model Jordan Carver has quickly shot to the top of the heap of curvaceous Internet cuties. It’s probably no real mystery why. Just take a glimpse at her 32HH assets. If she wasn't German, I would cut loose with a hearty, "God bless America", but in this particular instance I do believe that "Hot-DAMN" will suffice.

    This twenty-four year old goddess recently moved to sunny California to take full advantage of the intense media attention that she’s been accumulating. I've got to tell you that this is a woman to kill for: pinup-pretty, full of spirit & sex appeal, and these are just two of the many incredible images that a simple little google search will provide of the bodacious Ms. Carver. That is apparently her real last name, but "Jordan" is a career selection.

    No matter what you call this "gal", she definitely deserves to be included in the Catacombs as this weeks picture perfect choice for Thanksgiving. A truer feast of plenty will just not be found!
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The Phantom Falcon in "The Death Ray" (Fiction House;1946)

    Happy Thanksgiving 2010 to one and all!

    Today's post is an "Editors Choice" selection in honor of the holiday, so please consider this one a bird of a different feather. The Phantom Falcon takes the lead in "The Death Ray" from Wings Comics #71 (Jul 1946); originally published by Fiction House, written by Cliff DuBois & illustrated by Joey Cavallo.

    {Don't worry, the heroes of Dynamic Comics #1 will return next Thursday.}

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1980's Flashback: Alien Legion

    Alien Legion was a series of comic books and associated titles originally created by Carl Potts, Alan Zelenetz, and Frank Cirocco for Marvel Comics; Epic Comics imprint beginning in 1983. It featured the military unit known as Force Nomad, which was similar to the French Foreign Legion, but in a science-fiction setting.

    Titled "The Alien Legion" for its first two volumes (and initial graphic novel), the series was an extrapolation of the United States government and modern society. Among the Tophanic Galactic Union’s three major galaxies, the ideal of an equal, democratic melting-pot climate often clashed head-on with a reality that included widespread corruption and prejudice among countless races with endless numbers of cultures, languages and moral codes.

    The Legion’s fully integrated ranks must work together in Force Nomad to succeed and survive despite their differences. The best and the worst sentient beings from three galaxies were then thrust into high pressure situations that often tested the ideals upon which their intergalactic government was based.

    Collaborators on the series included Chuck Dixon, Larry Stroman, Terry Austin, Chris Warner, Whilce Portacio, Mark Farmer and Scott Hanna. Alien Legion graphic novels, mini-series or one-shots have included A Grey Day to Die, On the Edge, Tenants of Hell, One Planet at a Time, Binary Deep and Grimrod: Terror at the Crossroads.

    Dark Horse Comics is currently planning a new Alien Legion series and in the mid-2000s, Alien Legion was optioned by producer Jerry Bruckheimer and The Walt Disney Company for a live-action film, which still remains in development. The most prominent characters included Colonel Sarigar, team leader whose lower half is serpentine; Captain Torie Montroc and an alien of the Thraxian race, Jugger Grimrod.
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In Memorium: Ingrid Pitt

    The Queen of Hammer Horror films, Ingrid Pitt, has passed away in London at the age of 73. She collapsed recently, and doctors had discovered that she was suffering from heart failure.

    Pitt was best known for her iconic turn in Hammer Films, The Vampire Lovers and other horror roles from the studio including Countess Dracula & The Wicker Man. She also appeared onscreen in Where Eagles Dare (with Richard Burton & Clint Eastwood), The House That Dripped Blood, The Final Option and Wild Geese 2.

    Born Ingoushka Petrov in Poland, Pitt made regular appearances at horror conventions and authored several books about her career in the horror genre.

    Sadly her passing follows that of Roy Ward Baker, who directed her in The Vampire Lovers. Baker died on October 5, 2010 at the age of 93. The Catacombs extends its sincerest condolences to her family, friends and fans. She was a true original!
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Samar in "Captured by the Amazons "(Quality;1940)

    Friends, it is a holiday week, so forgive me for running behind a bit as I do all of my prep work for Thanksgiving. Not only will all three of my kids be home on Thursday, but my parents are also coming to dinner (I'm doing most of the cooking, since I prefer to have an excellent meal).

    I do have an interview or two coming up in the Catacombs, plus a preview of an independent publication, but with the logistics of those items still being in the formative stages, I thought that today's jungle comics post would be a good place for last weeks debut character to mount an early return visit.

    Samar the Jungle Lord stars in "Captured by the Amazons" from Feature Comics #36 (Sept. 1940); originally published by Quality. John Celardo (aka John Charles) once again provides the art chores. This story marks the first appearance of Lazana and her Amazons and the only complaint I have over this Samar adventure is the ending. Why, oh why, does the heroic jungle lord always have to free the stupid men who've allowed themselves to be cowed by the strong, beauteous Amazons? Those kinds of tribesmen are the ultimate wussies. Just kill them off and ravish the Amazon maidens yourself, Samar? {that's what I would do} The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.
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Science Fiction/Double Feature Presents: "A-Day" & "Trespasser In Time" (Ziff-Davis;1950)

    Today's "Science Fiction-Double Feature" is truly an awesome twin-bill of talent. Up first is a tense Cold War thriller about a couples attempt to avert a nuclear strike. "A-Day" is nicely illustrated by Ogden Whitney; best known as co-creator of the golden age aviator Skyman and of the super-powered novelty character Herbie Popnecker and his alter ego, the satiric Fat Fury.

    The second feature is drawn by Alex Schomburg, the prolific artist who drew between five and six hundred covers during the golden age. "Trespasser In Time" concerns the fate of a young scientist whose journey into the fourth dimension to rescue a friend has ramifications that even time may not heal. Schomburg's work on this series is among his last traditional comics work before he left the industry and spent the remainder of his career on covers for science fiction magazines and book covers.

    See you next weekend for more "Science Fiction-Double Feature" thrills from this 1950's series, published by Ziff-Davis. Both of today's adventures are from Amazing Adventures #1 (released in late 1950).
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"Gal" Friday! Raven Steele

    Since the 2010 summer convention season, I've occasionally been floating offers to various cos-players to appear as authorized "Gal" Friday selections. So far, I'm fairly pleased with the results and you can expect to see more of these talented and lovely young ladies as the Catacombs continues its quest to continually present the epitome of feminine perfection. Honestly, how cool would it be for a comic book lover to have a girlfriend play dress up as the hottest super-heroines in the world? Pretty frickin cool!!

    I'll let this lsuper-ass speak for herself: "Hi, I am Raven Steele. My "Clark Kent" is Samantha Basinger. I am 23, and I am a bartender and model/actress by profession. I like going out and having a good time. I like to do new fun exciting things! I am always down for an adventure or doing something I have never done before. I really want to go skydiving and bungee jumping one day. I work with and love what I do! I was never really big into comic books until I started modeling for them. I have always been a big nerd at heart. I love playing video games and Dungeons and Dragons. I am really into comics about super heroines or villains that kick ass and take names. I am also totally lazy in some sense. I love sitting home and watching a great action movie or comedy in my pj's snacking on junk food. I am really grateful that for the longest time I got to depict the infamous [version of] Mary Marvel!! We have recently been working on a series of short films.. "Raven's Secret"(which can be found on YouTube) "Raven UN-Stoppable"(found on ) and a third one soon to come."

    Thanks for stopping by "Raven"/Samantha, you easily defeated the other competition this week to secure your place in the Catacombs! (ps: I love that transformation effect and the Hericane costume from Penthouse Comix ain't bad either).
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