Zudo the Jungle Boy in "The Pygmies' Shining Stone" (Standard;1944)

    "The Pygmies' Shining Stone" starring Zudo the Jungle Boy was issued by William H. Wise & Company [as surrogate for Better/Standard/Nedor] in 1944. This tale was drawn by Ken Battefield and was originally published in Mystery Comics #4 (the final issue of the series).

    Ken Battefield worked mainly for Wow Comics in the 1940s. There, he illustrated stories such as 'Destroy the Voskay Dam', 'The Rescue of Major Cambon', 'To Save the Suez Canal' and 'The Nazi Big Bertha', all featuring the character 'Rick O'Shay'. He also worked as a penciler on 'The Scarab' (Exciting Comics) and 'The Devil's Dagger' (Master Comics). For the Classics Illustrated series, he redrew the comic adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' 'The Man in the Iron Mask' for the reprint.

    The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or the creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.

    Source URL: https://galgadots.blogspot.com/2010/04/zudo-jungle-boy-in-pygmies-shining.html
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