[Updated] Black Cat vs. 3-D Man at Byrnerobotics!!!

    I've been a fan of comic book writer/artist John Byrne for too many years to count. After years of indecision over what character to have the chief draw for me, last weekend I posted a thread on his forum, allowing the other board members to choose my commission subject.

    Today is the last day to cast a vote, and I thought you might get a kick out of seeing how the second run-off vote played out. It came down to a narrow split between the Black Cat and 3-D Man.

    The original list of choices that I posted included: Count Nefaria, Daredevil, Doc Samson, Galactus, Gladiator of the Shi'ar, Human Torch, Sabretooth and the Watcher.

    Here is a link to the website and then just look for the thread labeled, "Choose My Commission Subject" in the Forum.
    [Updated]: Black Cat emerged as the overall winning pick by a mere two votes.
    Source URL: https://galgadots.blogspot.com/2010/04/updated-black-cat-vs-3-d-man-at.html
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