Rulah Jungle Goddess in "Terror's Trail!" (Fox;1949)

    Today's Rulah Jungle Goddess tale doesn't quite channel "The African Queen", but our resident jungle gal is saddled with a bumbling charter boat skipper called Cap'n George, whose inadvertently undermining efforts to help Rulah overcome a gang of kidnappers who're out for ransom, actually make for some fine comedy relief in a nice change of pace.

    This tale was originally presented in the one-shot All Great Jungle Adventures #nn (1949) from Fox Comics. The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or the creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.


    As an advance head's up, next week will feature my second "Go Ape Shit" theme week, with classic comics stories running daily from Monday through Friday.
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