It's Wednesday, So It Must Mean "COMICS!"

    Trust me when I say that it is a rare occasion for me to stroll into any comics shop and drop $50 on a stack of brand spanking new, fresh off of the racks funny books (and the latest issue of Asimov's Science Fiction digest). These days I seldom stop by the comics shops and then it's solely to browse or to pick up an odd issue of something that I am curious about, but today I had one of those days.

    I have been following limited or mini-series from Marvel or DC for the last few years and given up monthly titles. Mind you, I'm not cut from the "wait for the trade" mentality, but sadly the regular offerings from the "big two" have left me cold for quite some time. I've long since given over my comics purchasing habits to the Internet via eBay and sometimes Amazon, cherry-picking affordable back issues, peppered with a random selection from time-to-time simply to wet the old whistle.

    Of all things today, I stopped by a Books-A-Million to grab a copy of Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam #18, which I had almost missed and then ventured on to one of the local direct shops to see what was available. $50 later here is what I bought: Atlas #4, Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam #'s 18 & 19, DC Universe Legacies #4, Guarding the Globe #1, Image United #3, Invincible #74, Science Dog #1, Secret Avengers #'s 3 & 4, Time Masters: Vanishing Point #2 and X-Men Forever 2 #3.

    I will have reviews for a handful of these over the next few days, but as you can see short run series make up the bulk of my purchases this fine Wednesday. Sadly, Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam was announced as being cancelled at the recent San Diego Comicon, a victim of DC's overhaul of their kids line of books. Part of the problem with this title, other than low sales, is the mindset that it is for kids. Magic of Shazam has proven to be one of the best interpretations of Captain Marvel that Dc has ever offered, particularly since artist Mike Norton took over as illustrator. I'm going to be very sad to see this book end.

    I'm also surprised to find myself buying more Image Comics titles, but writer (and Image partner) Robert Kirkman sure knows how to write fun comics. His Invincible, The Walking Dead, and Astounding Wolf-Man have become regular staples on my shelf. Guarding the Globe, ridiculously renamed from the previously announced "Guardians of the Globe", had me hooked after the publishers inventive promotional campaign which poked fun at Marvel Comics original marketing for the half dozen relaunched Avengers series first paved the way. Science Dog is a one-shot that I'm not as familiar with having come into Invincible late in the run.

    Now for me, Secret Avengers is the "only" Avengers series that Marvel currently publishes. It has an engaging introductory story, the coolest lineup out of all the current Avengers books and topnotch artwork by Mike Deodato. That being the case, I'm going to have to call it a day. I've got a ton of reading to get to.
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