Two Men and an Idiot!!

    By now you've all seen the all-too conveniently released images of what Captain America: The First Avenger and The Mighty Thor are going to look like on the big screen. Since it's convention week for yours truly, I'll briefly sum up my thoughts on these costumes.

    Captain America: I really like this one and can appreciate how they blended the classic costume with the current "Ultimate Universe" interpretation. Hey, nothing wrong with serving all constituents, if you pull it off as well as they've done with Cap. I do wish that they had opted to include the helmet wings, at least stylistically painted onto the helmet, but I didn't think that would actually happen. This one gets an A+!

    Thor: I can live with this one. Again, it skews at least partially towards the classic costume, while also blending elements of the current Marvel Universe version. I would have appreciated that silver armor being incorporated onto his leggings, which would have really made this costume look like the current Thunder Gods wardrobe, but oh well. This one gets a B+!

    Donald Glover's Twitter campaign to get himself cast as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the upcoming reboot: I can appreciate an actors efforts at self-promotion, but then I can also sum up politically correct attempts to "cast against type" in one simple word - BULLSHIT!! This guy may have his fans, and even be funny on Community, but I've already decided that he might be an idiot. Now, if only there was a nice word for the pathetic lemmings who are lining up in support of this ridiculous effort on Twitter? This one gets an F!!!
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