"Gal" Friday! Lucy Pinder

    In the summer of 2003, Lucy Pinder was spotted by a freelance photographer while sunbathing on Bournemouth beach (Bournemouth is a large coastal resort town in the county of Dorset, England). As a result of the photographs taken that day, she signed a professional modelling contract with the Daily Star.

    Although Lucy initially shied away from exposing her upper torso during what was fast becoming an active modeling career, she eventually relented and the rest is history (you'll have to seek those incredible photos out on the world-wide web; well-worth the effort too). Lucy is one of my very favorite British pin-up queens. In the interests of complete disclosure, I must admit that I wouldn't trust myself around anyone involved with her. Think foul play!

    [Now let me set aside the empty six pack and tamp out the doobie. Let's just pretend it's a few hours later and I've gotten better control of myself. Yeah! That's more like it.]

    Admittedly Lucy Pinder was featured in the Catacombs at some point in the past, but it's my party and I'll cry if I want to. Sigh, I just love British pin-up "gals".
    Source URL: https://galgadots.blogspot.com/2010/06/friday-lucy-pinder.html
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