Frank Frazetta Tribute: Thun'da, King of the Congo in "King of the Lost Lands" (ME;1952)

    The final Frazetta tribute post almost logically circles back to the very first tale of Thun'da from Thun'da, King of the Congo #1 (published in 1952 by Magazine Enterprises). Lovingly illustrated by the late, great Mr. Frazetta and terrifically written by the equally great Gardner Fox, who went on to pen so many classic Silver Age stories for DC Comics and others, this initial story details how aviator Roger Drum became the man known as Thun'da. The wonderful cover is added today to close out this impromptu tribute to the master in style.

    Of course, comics weren't his only legacy. There are tons of genre paintings representing every kind of high adventure, science fiction, fantasy and many other types of fiction all underneath classic Frazetta artwork. The stories were often diverse and fun to read, no matter what the subject matter, but the tremendous eye appeal of those iconic Frazetta paintings on the covers had to have pulled lots of fans into those stories. I know that in some cases, that's what got me to pick them up.

    Gone, but not forgotten, only barely begins to cover the loss of Frank Frazetta. I hope that you all had a thrill reading through the full issue of Thun'da that I've presented over the last few days and to Frank's family let me say; May he rest in peace.

    The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or the creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.

    Come on back tomorrow for my regular "Gal" Friday feature and have sweet dreams tonight. Enjoy!
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